Massage Therapy & Energy Work
About Us

Leah Rains, MS, LMT   
850-321-7246 (RAIN)
Reiki - please go to

Reiki (RAY-key) is a Japanese word for universal life energy. Reiki, a gentle hands-on healing art, provides an easy way to access healing energy. Reiki is a powerful way of helping our bodies, minds and spirits to heal. Reiki energy addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Unlike many other forms of healing therapies, you can learn to use Reiki for your own healing process. You can use Reiki everyday with yourself, family, and friends. Reiki is simple; anyone can learn Reiki in a single weekend class and use Reiki for a lifetime.

Reiki treatment is provided with the client fully clothed. Reiki can be used in many circumstances where traditional massage might be inappropriate such as with clients who have cancer, are undergoing chemotherapy, or in hospice situations.

Currently Reiki is being taught to healthcare professionals and used in hospitals, clinics and hospice. Reiki is a complementary therapy to traditional medical treatment. Scientific research studies are in progress to further document the beneficial effects of Reiki.

If you are interested in experiencing Reiki, you can try treatment and judge the results for yourself. If you become interested in using Reiki in your own healing process, you have the option of learning the practice yourself.

There are several different types of Reiki. The two Reiki systems which Leah uses in her practice and teaches are:

Usui Reiki

Reiki was rediscovered in Japan during the late 1800’s by a gentleman named Mikao Usui. Reiki was brought from Japan to Hawaii during the 1930’s by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Today Reiki is taught and practiced by people of many faiths and cultures throughout the world. 

Karuna Reiki® 

 “Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action”. This energy practice provides a way to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal.” -- William Rand, International Center for Reiki Training.

Usui Reiki provides the foundation upon which Karuna Reiki® expands. Prior to learning Karuna Reiki you must already know Usui Reiki. The two systems are complementary. Be sure to experience each before you make judgments about either system.  Karuna Reiki ® is a registered trademark of the International Center for Reiki Training.

Leah originally trained with Reiki Alliance Masters.  Leah provides traditional Usui Reiki training but has a flat (non escalating) class fees. Usui Reiki I and II are taught separately.  Reiki Mastery is a process, not a class.   Each class $150 for adults and last 8-12 hours to complete a level.  Ages 12-18, $75 for Usui Reiki I class.

If you have previous Reiki training, whether you trained traditionally or non traditionally, everyone is welcome to further  explore your class options. The only class anyone really needs is Usui Reiki I in order to use Reiki for yourself or others throughout your life.  All other classes are optional!  

FL MA 21034, MM9201